111 Colonnade Road, Suite 200. Nepean, Ontario. K2E 7M3 (613) 224-7086
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chemical peel Tag


Dealing with Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Solutions

Let's have a heart-to-heart about something we've all likely noticed on our skin at some point—hyperpigmentation. Whether it's from sun exposure, acne scars, or just the passage of time, those pesky dark spots can be a real confidence killer. But the good news is, they're treatable!...

Is Cold Weather a Good Time for a Chemical Peel?

Top 10 Benefits of Getting a Chemical Peel Everyone has imperfections on their skin, but they can start to become more noticeable as tans from summer fade away. Once the colder months arrive, you might be wondering what you should do to improve your skincare routine....

How to Reverse Sun Damage

Stuck with Sun Spot Damage? Let Our Specialists Help You We all love spending time in the sun for one reason or another. Whether you enjoy watching the sunrise, going for hikes, or tanning at the beach, the sun has something to offer for everyone. Unfortunately,...