111 Colonnade Road, Suite 200. Nepean, Ontario. K2E 7M3 (613) 224-7086
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Acne Tag


Dealing with Hyperpigmentation: Causes and Solutions

Let's have a heart-to-heart about something we've all likely noticed on our skin at some point—hyperpigmentation. Whether it's from sun exposure, acne scars, or just the passage of time, those pesky dark spots can be a real confidence killer. But the good news is, they're treatable!...


The Impact of Sleep on Skin Health

Understanding the Science Behind "Beauty Sleep" You've probably heard the term "beauty sleep" thrown around quite a bit, but have you ever stopped to wonder what it actually means? The notion isn't just a poetic way of emphasizing the need for rest; there's scientific evidence to...

Skin Brightening

The Science Behind Skin Brightening Treatments

In our pursuit of a radiant and youthful appearance, skin brightening treatments have emerged as an enticing option for many. These treatments, ranging from Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy to chemical peels, work by reducing skin pigmentation and revealing a more even complexion. Let's dive into...

Stress and Skin

The Impact of Stress on Your Skin

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, stress has become an all-too-common companion for many. While we often think of stress in terms of mental or emotional strain, its effects can manifest physically as well, particularly on our skin. Let's explore the connection between stress...

Why Does Your Skin Break Out More In The Fall?

Tackling The Seasonal Breakouts Almost all of us have dealt with acne at one point in our lives, some for longer than others. Did you know that acne is technically the eighth most common disease among all humans worldwide, even though it primarily affects adolescents and...

Face Mask 101

Your Guide To Better Skin Did you know the global skincare market is worth over $148 billion? The reason is simple — we all want beautiful skin. Face masks are an easy way to decrease your skin problems for a refreshing complexion. Here's your guide to...