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How Does Laser Vein Removal Work?

How Does Laser Vein Removal Work?

Your Questions Answered

Are varicose veins making you feel uncomfortable wearing certain clothes or showing off your legs? If you’ve unsuccessfully considered different treatments, you may be wondering how does laser vein removal work?

Varicose veins are dark, swollen, and twisted veins that mainly develop on the legs or ankles. You’re likely to have them if the veins and valves in different parts of your body are weakened. When blood can’t flow through these valves, it collects and builds up, thus twisting and enlarging them.

If the veins continue enlarging, you might want to opt for laser vein removal. The treatment usually involves using high-intensity light to close off the veins.

So, how can you remove spider veins from the face? Here’s everything you should know about this varicose and spider vein treatment.

What is Laser Vein Removal?

Laser vein removal is a laser therapy that relies on heat to shrink varicose veins. The laser device will emit a thin beam of radiation directed to the affected area during the procedure. The treatment helps close and shrink varicose veins to boost blood flow to other veins. You’ll be left with minor scar tissue within the veins.

Does It Hurt?

As one of the less painful vein removal procedures, laser vein surgery has a pretty short recovery time. The skin specialist will administer a light sedative or local anaesthesia to numb you down.

You won’t even notice the veins being removed until the procedure is over, but expect to experience mild pain and bruising in the treated area.

Can Laser Remove Facial Veins?

Though they are not life-threatening, facial veins can affect your self-esteem. You can have them removed with a laser device to regain the beauty of your face.

Laser vein removal is a practical, non-invasive procedure that eliminates unappealing facial capillaries. It closes them up and directs blood to the other nearby blood vessels.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Sign up for this non-invasive treatment if you have varicose and spider veins on any of your body parts. The procedure may also suit you if you have slightly deeper blue/greenish veins, pink or red veins or visible veins on your legs or face.

A specialist will assess your overall health and inquire about your medical history before administering the treatment. The non-invasive procedure won’t suit you if you have tattoos, light-triggered seizures or clotting disorders. Pregnant women and diabetic patients should also stay away from the treatment.

When Should I Get the Treatment?

Seek this treatment as soon as you start noticing discoloured, enlarged or knotty veins on your skin. These malfunctioned veins result from blood pooling around a particular body part.

Sign up for the non-surgical procedure if other vein removal therapies fail to work. Your physician might recommend it if your varicose veins cause blood clots, skin problems and severe pain.

If your main goal is to improve the appearance of the affected body parts, seek the procedure whenever you want.

How Safe is It?

Laser therapy for vein removal is a medically proven safe treatment for varicose veins. Though it causes little discomfort, it carries fewer risks, unlike other treatment options. You can improve the procedure’s outcomes by having it done by an experienced skin specialist.

Are There Risks?

Potential risks of this treatment include burns, changes in skin colour and blood clots. Depending on your health, you may experience vein inflammation, nerve damage, or even suffer an infection.

Side Effects

The short-term side effects of this procedure include blistering, bruising and skin reddening in the treated area. The treated area may also swell or have an increased/decreased pigmentation.

Most of these side effects disappear within two days. Blisters and bruises from the treatment may take a few weeks to disappear.

What are the Main Benefits?

Laser vein treatment helps treat and eliminate spider and varicose veins. Your skin will be clear of patches of vein clusters and redness. Unlike other treatments like vein stripping and sclerotherapy, the procedure is non-invasive and less painful.

The physician will walk you through this medical procedure and help you with the follow-ups. You can even embark on your day-to-day activities in a few days.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

Depending on your condition, you’ll need two to four sessions for the best outcomes. If you have smaller varicose veins, results will appear in three to six weeks. Larger varicose and spider veins will darken and disappear after 3 months.

How Does The Treatment Look Like?

The specialist will consider your medical history to determine whether the treatment will bear adverse side effects. Once approved, you’ll need to sign a consent form before treatment begins.

You won’t need any hospital stays since the procedure takes a few minutes to complete. Wear loose-fitting clothing before and after the treatment to boost recovery.

You’ll be given a sedative or local anaesthesia during the procedure before a small incision is made on your skin. The incision will guide a laser fibre to the varicose vein to heat it and close it up.

After Care

You will be encouraged to walk for 30 to 60 minutes after undergoing the procedure. Walking will help boost blood flow in the treated area.

Your specialist will also recommend aftercare practices like wearing compression stockings and avoiding hot baths. They will also prescribe pain medication if needed and book you for follow-up visits to help you recover.

How Does Laser Vein Removal Work? The Takeaway

We hope that this guide answers questions like how does laser vein removal work. The good thing with laser light is that it can destroy varicose veins without causing harm to your skin. Results also appear a few months after treatment.

We strive to always make you look and feel comfortable in your skin without worrying about deformities. Book a consultative appointment with us today.