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Five Most Common Skincare Problems

Five Most Common Skincare Problems

And How To Avoid Them Ruining Your Favorite Season

You know how sometimes you have unexplained breakouts and your skin becomes drier? You’re not the only one. Odds are you aren’t doing anything wrong and more often than not the culprit is a change in the winds, literally.

Can A Change of Weather Cause Skin Problems?

Put simply, yes, you might notice some changes in your complexion when the seasons start to change. The climate you live in can impact your complexion and changes in it depending on the season.

Let’s say you usually have a normal skin type but when it starts to get warmer in the summertime, your skin becomes more oily. That would be because of a rise in temperature and the excess humidity in the air.

In fact, in 2018 a study published by the British Journal of Dermatology revealed the significant links between climate and skin problems. This study looked at the filaggrin levels across 80 people during the winter and into the summer. Filaggrin is an important protein that helps sustain your skin barrier and when processed, it produces key molecules that help with your skin’s natural moisturizing process.

The study showed that the rate filaggrin was processed changed significantly from the summer months compared to the winter months. Researchers also noticed changes in the texture and composition of skin cells.

After all, the skin is the body’s largest organ, so it’s no surprise that environmental factors may stress your skin out. However, depending on your skin type and what season it is, your skin might experience different problems, especially in transitional seasons like fall.

How Does Fall Affect Your Skin

It seems as soon as the first leaf hits the ground, many of us are faced with skincare concerns. After a long, hot summer our skin needs a break from the sun beating down on it causing dehydration and inflammation. Sadly, since fall is a transitional season, we don’t get so much of a break as our skin gets a shock. Although you may not have a sensitive skin type, when a change in weather happens, your skin can be vulnerable to environmental changes.

During fall, levels of humidity drop low, which is one of the most important climatic differences to consider since it causes dehydrated skin. The main changes that your skin needs to grapple with during the fall are harsh winds and adjusting to the difference in temperature and humidity.

You might be wondering though, what are the skin problems that most people are affected by? Let us answer.

Dry Skin

This is one of the most common skincare concerns that people experience as the days begin to get shorter and the temperature starts dropping. In the summer, the moisture in the air keeps your skin hydrated but come fall, it gets sucked out of the atmosphere, leaving you with dry skin.

At first, you might not notice your skin drying out, but one of the effects of fall weather taking action is your skin drying out very quickly. One of the culprits causing your dry skin is most definitely harsh winds. The dry, cold wind brushing across your face can be very drying and it strips your skin of its natural moisture.

Another surprising factor that can cause your skin to dry out is stepping into a hot shower after being outside in the cold. Shockingly enough, they are known to be harsh on the skin and can make for dry skin since the hot water strips your skin of many natural oils that help with moisturizing. This can lead to irritated and itchy skin which doesn’t make for a fun combo in the colder months.


Speaking of itchy, if you struggle with eczema you might have noticed it’s starting to flare up once it starts to get colder. This isn’t a coincidence either, it’s because of the change in seasons. The National Eczema Association defines eczema as an “…inflammatory skin condition that causes itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters and skin infections.” Doesn’t sound fun, does it?

As you might have guessed by now, the reason you might be having a flare-up is because of the drier air and lower level of humidity that comes with fall.

If there’s one thing that doesn’t help your eczema it would be that since this causes your skin to become dehydrated, leaving you to deal with more irritation and itchiness. Sadly, temperature changes are also not friendly to eczema. That means that, if you want to avoid more irritation, itchiness and redness – hot baths and showers are a big no-no.


Like eczema, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition. It manifests in redness similar to a sunburn. Flushing on the face is also one of the main characteristics.

Usually, rosacea shows up on the checks and nose but it can also affect the forehead and chin. One trigger for rosacea is heat, so think sun exposure, changes in the weather, and really anything that elevates your body temperature.

In terms of the changing seasons, the cooler temperature and whipping wind might cause you to have some flare-ups. For example, stepping out of the cold and into your warm home might cause your cheeks to flush a bit. In the summer, grabbing an iced coffee was a no-brainer but not that it’s cold, switching to hot coffee is the move. However, at the same time, hot beverages can also cause your rosacea to flare up. Annoying, we know.


If you’ve been dealing with one of the above skin conditions, dryness or eczema, this term is not unknown to you. Flakiness is caused by itching skin that is already inflamed and irritated. It can also be caused by the abrasiveness of harsh winds and by being outside in cold weather.

Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that many people experience. They can look like small bumps on your skin, and in some instances, they have a reddish colouring. The bumps are fairly rough, however, sometimes they are mistaken for pimples or a rash.

In fact, keratosis pilaris is simply dead skin cells that are plugging your skin, which is what forms the bump. In some cases, keratosis pilaris can be itchy and present with redness but they are in fact harmless and can be remedied with treatment.

How Can You Protect Your Skin In The Fall?

Now that you know about these skin conditions and how they can be acerbated by the cold and windy days in fall, you might be wondering how to protect your skin and prevent these skin conditions.

We can’t control the weather but we can control how we protect our skin and what steps we can take in doing so. For starters, bundling up with a cozy scarf, some mittens, and a cozy hat will reduce the seasonal impact on your skin. There will be fewer changes of wind whipping across your face and the dry air causing you to lose moisture in your skin.

Another option would be to invest in skin care geared towards helping the skin concern that is flaring up in the colder months. When seasons change, switching out your regular moisturizer for a richer product is a great step to take. What’s even better, is combining your skin care products with a bi-weekly or monthly skin treatment.

What Types Of Products To Use?

There are many products that you can choose from but the key is selecting a product that targets the specific skin concern you are having. Adding in a serum and picking a moisturizer that suits your skin concern is a great first step.

Let’s say that this colder weather and dry air have caused dryness and your eczema has flared up.

In this case, your goal is to rehydrate your skin and help your skin retain moisture. You’ll want to scout out skincare products with humectant properties. Put simply, it is an ingredient that attracts water molecules from the second layer of skin and brings it to the top layer of your skin, where your moisture barrier is.

A great option to achieve this would be picking a moisturizing complex that contains a humectant or moisturizing vitamins such as Vitamin E. Another great skin care product that would enrich this process would be a hydrating serum, containing a cooling component. A serum of this kind is a great selection for people who experience rosacea or inflamed skin conditions.

A broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential for those experiencing rosacea flare-ups, especially since prevention is the best remedy. Even if you don’t suffer from rosacea, adding good sunscreen to your skincare is a must. Everyone needs protection from harmful UVA/UVB rays that can penetrate your skin, rain or shine. Speaking of something for everyone, you can’t go wrong with scheduling a bi-weekly or monthly facial with a focus on hydration.

The Takeaway

Now that you know what skin concerns you might encounter this fall, you have some ideas on how you can prevent, protect, and remedy anything that comes your way!